General Medical Council Blog
To this effect , Professor Obi is hereby publicly offering to Eclectically Serve on an Independent Mediation Panel ; with the Ultimate Aim of preventing such Delicate Political Matters from Woefully Degenerating any further.
. . . The Real Culprit Here is (actually) the General Medical Council . . . Which , (in case these Tough Old Girls Ain't Noticed) , has now gone Notably Quiet while they (Voraciously) Rip Each Other into Exploding Clinical Smithereens . . .
. . . In My (Professional Regulatory) Opinion , one of the Very First Things which the Embattled GP Royal College President should have done was to IMMEDIATELY STOP FORMALLY REFERRING UNSUCCESSFUL MRCGP (EXAMINATION) CANDIDATES TO RACIST GMC PERFORMANCE ASSESSORS (OR THEIR ETHNIC-CLEANSING ALLIES AT THE NATIONAL CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY) ; at Least for the Forseeable Future . . .